ROCKS Presents an IN TENTS Hope Overnighter

13 youth and 7 adults attended the ROCKS Intense Overnighter (in tents!) on April 2, here at Hope. The night began with mixer games planned by Zane Hagemeyer and Kahner Kreilick. Then, it was off to the bowling alley for an hour of cosmic bowling! 

When we returned to Hope, the group spent time looking at Intense Faith...What it is? Who in the Bible had it? What does it mean for us in our lives? We looked at the story of Daniel and his intense faith. We studied that God already knows everything about our life journey and has all our journeys woven together into a big tapestry that will unfold to eternity. This means we can RELAX! God has us in His hands and when difficulty hits; we can know He has our plan all figured out. Important points to hold on to in our world today. 

Then...WE SET UP TENTS! We had a contest to see which team could set up their tent first. The parish hall looked more like a campground! Song was in order as we celebrated Jack Hagemeyer's 18th birthday with a cake and candles, and shared snacks brought by the members. 

Community service was up next as we made 5 baby blankets for the pregnancy center. Money from our Mission Account purchased the fabric for these fleece tie blankets. 

Lastly, games and a Christian movie, " Do You Believe?" rolled us into the 4:00 am mark and then it was lights out! 

We treated everyone to breakfast at Waffle House before church and then our members offered the Children's Sermon (a message from the children!) and were readers for the service. A GREAT EVENT! 

What's Next? Watch for Youth Council's Plan for a summer activity, a Hope College Connection program for our graduating members, and a continued collection for the Flint Water Crisis with our candy sale in the vestibule. (So far we have $75 to send to that mission). Thanks to everyone who supports us in any way to make these events a success!